In this issue, July 12, 2016 View it in your browser.

C++17, Java EE 8, Java 9, .NET Core, React Native, Microservices: State of the Union, Netflix Recommendations, Joyent

Tracks for QCon San Francisco have been announced

Have you heard? DevOps, Security, Containers, Next gen microservices Learning, Stream Processing, Architectures you’ve wondered about, Distributed Systems, Java 9, Big Data Meets the Cloud, Modern CS in the Real World are just some of the topics of this year's QCon San Francisco. You can save $700 if you register before Jul 30th!



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Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2016

The fifth annual QCon New York was the biggest yet, bringing together over 800 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors. In total, over 140 practitioner-speakers presented 79 full-length technical sessions and 16 in-depth tutorials, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner’s perspective. (Article)

The InfoQ Podcast: Wendy Closson on Mindfulness and Algorithmic Approaches to Communicating

In this week's podcast, Barry Burd talks with Wendy Closson. With over a decade of experience immersed in development and championing agile practices, Closson coaches technology leaders to manage effectively, respond reasonably, and navigate the choppy waters of business. Closson's presentation at QCon New York was entitled Syntactic Sugar for English: Pragmatic Eloquence. (Podcast)

Development Latest Content


Writing Maintainable Configuration Code

The article discusses a catalog of configuration smells containing 13 implementation configuration smells and 11 design configuration smells. It provides a few examples of configuration smells along with corresponding refactorings, explains their impact on the quality of the project, and lists a few tools that could be used to reveal such smells. (Article)

Eclipse, the IDE for IoT

Doug Schaefer shows how to use the Eclipse IDE for an IoT application that includes an ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller running Arduino to report the value of a sensor and to change the color of some LEDs. (Presentation)

Designing with Passion

Panelists answer questions on the languages they contributed to: How do you organize thoughts and code? What unique advances in usability did your language make? Why do your users love to code in it? (Presentation)

Implementing Software Machines in Go and C

Eleanor McHugh discusses writing virtual machines using hardware emulation, including code snippets in Go and C. (Presentation)

Why Functional Programming Matters

John Hughes takes a deep dive into the history of functional programming to revisit a personal selection of highlights. (Presentation)



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Java Latest Content


Understanding Parallel Stream Performance in Java SE 8

Brian Goetz explores tools and techniques involved in parallelism, and how to analyze a computation for potential parallelism, with specific attention to the parallel stream library in Java 8. (Presentation)

Creating a Standalone Generator with Xtend

John Langley shows how to create and debug a code generation project with Xtend, walking through the steps from beginning to end with only an EMF data structure as a starting point. (Presentation)



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.NET Latest Content

.NET Core 1.0 Released

Microsoft has formally released version 1.0 of .NET Core, the freely available and open source version of .NET. It provides developers a multiplatform way to target Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems with a single codebase. (News)



.NET on Linux: Which Environment?
If you are a Windows developer and you want to start writing .NET code in Linux, and you’re not sure where to start, this article will help you understand some of the choices regarding your development environment. Learn More.

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Improvements for Eclipse JavaScript Tooling

Alexey Kazakov discusses the latest improvements on JSDT -debugging Node.js and browser applications, JSON editing features, integrations with npm and bower-, and the future of the project. (Presentation)

Mobile Latest Content

React Native: A Better Way To Do Mobile

Brent Vatne introduces React Native, a framework for building native user interfaces for mobile devices. (Presentation)

The World of Swift 3

Daniel Steinberg takes a look at what idiomatic Swift will look like when Swift 3 is released and discussses the reasoning behind some of the choices. (Presentation)

Image Processing for iOS

Simon Gladman overviews some of the image processing techniques available to iOS developers and three frameworks offered by Apple: Core Image, Accelerate/vImage and Metal. (Presentation)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

Securing Software by Construction

Jean Yang discusses research ideas to create secure software, what prevents them from becoming commercial solutions, and how the Cybersecurity Factory accelerator bridges the research/industry gap. (Presentation)

Server-Less Design Patterns for the Enterprise with AWS Lambda

Tim Wagner defines server-less computing, examines the key trends and innovative ideas behind the technology, and looks at design patterns for big data, event processing, and mobile using AWS Lambda. (Presentation)

Papyrus for Real Time: Executable Modeling on Eclipse

Charles Rivet introduces Papyrus RT, an industrial-grade modeling environment for the development of complex, software intensive, real-time, embedded, cyber-physical systems. (Presentation)

Microservices: State of the Union

Adrian Cockcroft discusses success/failure stories of adopting microservices, overviews what’s next with microservices and presents some of the techniques that have led to successful deployments. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Handling Streaming Data in Spotify Using the Cloud

Neville Li and Igor Maravić cover the evolution of Spotify’s event delivery system focusing on the lessons learned from operating it and reasons behind the decision of moving it into the cloud. They discuss Scio, which they developed to make the Dataflow SDK easier to use. Scio is a high level Scala API for the Dataflow SDK which brings Dataflow closer to popular data processing frameworks. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

The Three T's of Digital Government Service Delivery

Lindsay Holmwood discusses the problems with the traditional approach to digital service delivery in government, and how APIs enable the DTO to help government deliver simpler, faster public services. (Presentation)

The Netflix API Platform for Server-Side Scripting

Katharina Probst talks about the situations in which server-side scripting is a good solution for applications. She describes Netflix’s first approach, which uses Groovy scripts. She details how the scripts are uploaded and can make use of shared modules and then dives into a new approach that isolates the scripts into their own containers without compromising the original goals. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

A Darwinian Approach to APIs in Government Health

Bruce Haefele shares from the successes and failures implementing an API strategy at Healthdirect Australia. (Presentation)

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

10 Tools to Help Remote Web Developers Collaborate with Their Team

Working remotely presents a unique set of challenges for web developers. However, by using the right tools and taking a ‘remote first’ attitude, you’ll find yourself being more productive than teams working face-to-face. Here are 10 tools for bug tracking, collaborative coding and knowledge management. (Article)

Strategy Deployment, Lean & Kanban for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Government

Agustin Villena and Manuel Cepeda discuss using Lean principles and Kanban tools to empower the Chilean government teams to embrace uncertainty and achieve/surpass defined objectives. (Presentation)

Data Science Latest Content


Solving Business Problems with Data Science

The panelists discuss some of the unique problems that only data science can solve, the pitfalls and the success rate of data science projects. (Presentation)

Hybrid Artificial Intelligence

Manuel Ebert explores how hybrid AI works, its impact on businesses, using it in existing businesses, and what we can expect from hybrid artificial intelligence in the years to come. (Presentation)



Building Modern JavaScript Applications on Top of Java EE Backends - Learn how to leverage your existing Java knowledge to quickly and efficiently create maintainable Java EE backend and consume them in JavaScript applications created in Oracle JET. Watch Webinar.

DevOps Latest Content


Mark Burgess on Computer Immunology and Configuration Management

Mark Burgess discusses his paper "Computer Immunology", the origins of CFEngine and other configuration management tools, and the need for them for IoT . (Interview)

Virtual Panel: The Current State of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) is becoming a mainstream way of connecting mobile, SaaS, IoT, and Big Data systems. This Virtual Panel focuses on some of the current trends in iPaaS and where this model of delivering integration services is headed. InfoQ has reached out to thought leaders from MuleSoft, SnapLogic and Microsoft to participate in this dialogue. (Article)



Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP): A Collection of 49 Flashcards. EIP are a set of the most commonly used integration patterns as compiled in the book Enterprise Integration Patterns by Gregory Hohpe. This deck of EIP flashcards covers 49 integration patterns discussed in Hohpe's book. Download Now.

The Things I Learnt about DevOps When My Car Was Engulfed by Flames

Framed in the story of the author's car catching fire, this article describes five ways of thinking to help understand DevOps culture and behaviours necessary to create an effective DevOps team. A central theme is that DevOps challenges us to think differently about our approach to collaboration and learning, in ways often contrary to our instincts and how we’ve been encouraged to behave before. (Article)