In this issue, October 25, 2016 View it in your browser.

C# 7, Engineering Culture, RxJava, Swift 4, CommAI, Modern Agile, Becoming Cloud Native, KanbanAce

UX Reimagined track @QConSF

Virtual reality, voice, and new thought processes around design. Join us at QCon San Francisco in the UX track that will explore the current art of the possible in UX and lessons from early adoption. Intuition Engineering, How to Design and Develop in an Inclusive Way, Design Guidelines for Conversational Interfaces are some of themes to be discussed.



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InfoQ eMag: A Preview of C# 7 eMag

The C# programming language was first released to the public in 2000. and since that time the language has evolved through six releases to add everything, from generics to lambda expressions to asynchronous methods and string interpolation. In this eMag we have curated a collection of new and previous content that provides the reader with a solid introduction to C# 7 as it is defined today. (eMag)

Engineering Culture Podcast: The State of the Alliance and the Future of Agility

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, InfoQ Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, talks to Phil Brock, Rebecca Parsons, Paul Hammond and Victor Hugo about the state of the Agile Alliance, new initiatives being worked on around the world and the future of agility in the workplace. (Podcast)

Data Science Latest Content


Hydrator: Open Source, Code-Free Data Pipelines

Jonathan Gray introduces Hydrator, an open source framework and user interface for creating data lakes for building and managing data pipelines on Spark, MapReduce, Spark Streaming and Tigon. (Presentation)



Metrics At-A-Glance: Visualizing PostgreSQL Data with Leftronic.

DevOps Latest Content


The Three Generations of AWS

When building a new system on AWS we are faced with three architectural choices around application packaging, runtime service and load balancing service. This article looks at these three options, and concludes that the Amazon EC2 Container Service provides the best architectural option for today's applications. (Article)

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

How to Successfully Install Agile/DevOps in Asia

Installing Agile / DevOps in Asia is very difficult. This article presents five steps to help overcome the cultural barriers and be successful. (Article)

An Introduction to Modern Agile

Modern Agile’s four guiding principles define a simpler, safer, speedier way to achieve awesome results: Make People Awesome, Make Safety a Prerequisite, Experiment & Learn Rapidly and Deliver Value Continuously. These principles are present in the products and services we love. Modern Agile doesn’t define what roles, rituals or practices to follow. You choose how to act on the principles. (Article)

Improving Scrum with the Kanban-Ace Framework

The Kanban-Ace Framework welcomes Scrum, and helps teams improve their level of agility. This article explores how a Scrum team can improve by leveraging the Kanban-Ace Framework. It introduces the Akashi Bridge, a new Kanban-Ace tool that makes it possible for Scrum teams to keep the best features of Scrum while growing to higher levels of performance thanks to Kanban-Ace advantages. (Article)

There is No Spotify Model

Marcin Floryan discusses the Spotify engineering culture. (Presentation)

ADHD & Technology: Brain Hacks and Upgrades

Mike Cavaliere discusses techniques and strategies for both managing distraction and memory challenges, as well as regular maintenance for our brain for optimal performance. He also talks about methods that can actually improve one's brain. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Unlocking the “Secret Sauce” of Great Teams

Heather Fleming discusses two frameworks that can be used with individuals to improve communication, increase empathy and establish the psychologically safe environment a team needs to thrive. She also demonstrates how GILT builds teams around initiatives using a “Team Ingredients” framework that focuses on each individual's strengths and talents and what they are contributing to the team. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

The Heart of Agile Is in Your Local Primary School

Richard Weissel advises Agile organizations to spend some time understanding what it is that makes the classroom environment a classic example of collaborative working based on trust and respect. (Presentation)

Java Latest Content


Testing RxJava

You are ready to explore reactive opportunities in your code but you are wondering how to test out the reactive idiom in your codebase. In this article Java Champion Andres Almiray provides techniques and tools for testing RxJava. (Article)



How to Master Your Java Memory (and Save Your Programming). Identify what’s causing your memory leaks, ways to address the issue and understanding of the role Java garbage collection plays in your overall application performance. Read the Full Article.

Development Latest Content

Google Cloud Shell New Code Editor to Enable End-to-End Cloud Development

Google has launched a code editor integrated within its Google Cloud Platform. Based on Eclipse Orion, it will make it possible to edit code and configuration files from within the browser, writes Sachin Kotwani, product manager at Google. (News)



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Mobile Latest Content


The Roadmap to Swift 4

Expected to be released in late 2017, Swift 4 will aim to stabilize the language, both at the source code and ABI level. New features will include improvements to generics, and a Rust/Cyclone-inspired memory ownership model. (News)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

The SAM Pattern: Lessons Learned Building Functional Reactive Front-End Architectures

Modern User Experience requires an architecture that is able to continuously “react” not just to user inputs, but also to its broader environment. In this article, Jean-Jacques Dubray and Gunar C. Gessner talk about the lessons learned implementing the SAM pattern with different frameworks and libraries. (Article)

.NET Latest Content

Improvements to Visual Studio “15” Startup

Throughout the technical preview phase of the Visual Studio “15” development process, Microsoft has stated that one of their primary goals is to improve performance. Today we will examine the changes made to give VS “15” a faster startup time with the goal of getting the main IDE to a usable state as quickly as possible. (News)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

Actor Models and Self-Healing Distributed Systems for Microservices with Azure Service Fabric

Stephen Bohlen explores Azure Service Fabric, microservices and actors, discussing how they can simplify the development of massively parallel systems and the ability to reason about them. (Presentation)

Large-Scale Enterprise Platform Transformation with Microservices, DevOps, and PaaS

Vipul SavJani and Christopher Tretina discuss how they are addressing significant technical architecture, engineering, and delivery challenges faced in transformation of Comcast’s Enterprise Services Platform (ESP) from a SOA architecture to a Cloud-Native architecture using microservices, DevOps, and PaaS. (Presentation)

Adopting Azure, Cloud Foundry and Microservice Architecture at Merrill Corporation

Thomas Fredell and Ashish Pagey talk about how Merrill Corporation is solving real business challenges delivering software as Java microservices deployed to PCF running on Microsoft Azure. (Presentation)

Lessons Learned from Migrating Legacy Enterprise Applications to Microservices

Ross Zhang and Jun Li talk about how they, at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan - one of the world’s largest institutional investors, have successfully solved many puzzle pieces with migrating traditional Java enterprise applications using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Cloud Foundry. (Presentation)

Publish, Secure, and Monitor APIs with Cloud Foundry Route Services

Ed Anuff and Carlos Eberhardt talk about the experience building one of the first Service Brokers to leverage route services. They present insights about how to build and deploy a full-featured API management platform as a route service and how to use Apigee features including quota enforcement, spike arrests, and content caching. (Presentation)

The Journey to Becoming Cloud Native – A Three Step Path to Modernizing Applications

Alois Reitbauer shares learning covering challenges and possible solutions on the organizational, development and operational side. He shows how to deploy faster without breaking things, start decoupling a monolith without breaking your business logic, help developers build application using a new paradigm, dynamically scale the applications to save costs. (Presentation)

An Authentication and Authorization Architecture for a Microservices World

David Ferriera describes how ForgeRock provides a standards-based blueprint that offers a flexible solution to balance security and performance while protecting Cloud Foundry services end-to-end (Presentation)

The Effects of a Transformative Change in Delivery Capabilities at Healthcare Service Corp

Mark Ardito talks about how Healthcare services Corp has evolved and retooled in six months to become digital-first, and maintain their leadership in the industry. Efforts which typically would have taken a year's worth of time and resources to create were completed in five weeks because of new development methodologies and technology, including Spring, microservices, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry. (Presentation)