August 22, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Well, everyone's biting their nails in anticipation of NVIDIA's earnings tomorow evening... so we'll look at a different "A.I." stock today.  Cabot's small-cap newsletter is pitching its own #1 A.I. stock, saying that it's "the surprising artificial intelligence at the center of dozens of global corporations"

Who is it?  Just click below for the Thinkolator results and our discussion...

If you've turned on the news lately, you've undoubtedly heard the world is now being swept by an Artificial Intelligence or A.I. Revolution. And the spark that launched this revolution was the release of the breakthrough A.I. language processing program known as ChatGPT.  Well, imagine if you had a similar kind of program... only for the stock market. TradeSmith has launched a program that does exactly that... It's an A.I. driven market forecasting system called An-E. This program can predict the price of nearly 3,000 stocks one month into the future. To learn more, click here.


Is the "deep state" really waging a "war on Elon" because he spoke up in favor of nuclear power at some point?   That's the basic push behind Porter Stansberry's "War on Elon" pitch for his "Secret Energy Grid" investment... so what's the story on that, and what's the "secret" stock?  Just clcik below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
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