Dear friends of nature and wildlife,

With the beginning of the calendar, the great operations in the Mediterranean begin for us. From today to the end of October at least two committee bird protection camps are running at the same time.

CABS in Lebanon

Today, marks the beginning of the most dangerous operation in our history. The Committee is the first European nature conservation organisation to take direct action in the Middle East. Between the 1st - 15th of September, experts from the UK, Italy, Germany, France, and Turkey will be working with our Lebanese partner organization SPNL. The aim is to guard the main migration routes of large birds, control of bird hunting and to search for illegal trapping facilities with nets and limesticks. Because of the proximity to the Syrian civil war zone and the often-rude customs in Lebanon, the deployment is a risk, but worth it: the political framework is currently almost as good as ever in order to bring proper bird protection to this part of the Mediterranean area.

Start of the Cyprus Camp
Last weekend, our bird protection camp started in Cyprus, two weeks earlier than usual. Evidently, we are not too early: in the British military area of Dhekelia we found a huge site with 6 large trapping nets. Together with the police, we saved 30 birds, including 10 nightingales alone! Our bird protection camp in Cyprus will run for 6 weeks, and we will leave the island in mid-October - at the end of the migration.

Italy: Flycatcher trapper caught!
Our late summer activity in the Brescia mountains has now finished. Within 10 days of fieldwork, we found 12 active sites where nets or traps were used to catch flycatchers. As a result of our findings, the accompanying police have been able to convict 8 birdtrappers, 9 large mist-nets with a total length of 135 m have been seized, along with a further 16 nets and 120 snap traps found during a premises search. 76 Pied-flycatchers were released.

Your donation makes the difference

This autumn, the Committee will conduct a total of 14 autumn campaigns across all the poaching hotspots of the Mediterranean and costing around € 85,000. Without your support, we could not be so proactive - please help us again this autumn with a donation! More information can be found on the website ...

Many thanks and best greetings from Bonn
Alexander Heyd

-- Alexander Heyd (Geschäftsführer/Managing Director) Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) Bundesgeschäftsstelle An der Ziegelei 8, 53127 Bonn, Germany Tel.: +49 228 66 55 21 Fax : +49 228 66 52 80 Email: Internet: Facebook (deutsch): Facebook (english):