Dear friends and supporters,

yesterday marks he end oft the 3 CABS winter operations:

Cyprus: 137 nets and 118 limesticks dismantled

137 nets, 118 limesticks, 4 poachers prosecuted – this ist he result of our five-weeks winter operation in Cyprus. Our volunteers have been on the Mediterranean island since the beginning of January and have done a really great job! More than 500 birds were released from the traps. The penalties for the poachers are also something to be proud of: two hunters had to pay €500 each for illegal use of tape lures, other two trappers were charged for bird trapping with nets and received respectively fines for €5,000 and €8,000!

The winter is almost over now and for the next weeks we expect very little trapping. The new wave of migrating birds by mid March will wake up trappers again and CABS will be again there to oppose them.

Italy: CABS operations in Calabria and Sardinia

In Southern Calabria, CABS, together with the Carabinieri Environmental Unit, have conducted a successful operation against poaching. In Aspromonte - the "boot tip" of Italy - 11 ‘hunters’ and 2bird illegal traders have been arrested. The hunters had illegally shot protected species, used unauthorised weapons and electronic lures. 11 shotguns were seized, as well as numerous shot birds, including chaffinches, great spotted woodpeckers, wagtails, goldfinch and siskins. The pet traders were found to be in possession of more than 200 illegally caught chaffinches. Another operation was carried in Sardinia, where 500 snares were found and dismantled.

For the future: next operations in Southern Italy and Nort Germany

Finally we can enjoy a bit of peace for a while. We will still carry on some small actions in the Italian islands (trapping migrants with snap traps) and in Northern Germany against raptor persecution. By the end of March our big camps in Malta and Cyprus start again.

All the best

Alexander Heyd

Alexander Heyd
(Geschäftsführer/Managing Director)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
An der Ziegelei 8, 53127 Bonn, Germany

Tel.: +49 228 66 55 21
Fax : +49 228 66 52 80

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