Dear friends and supporters,

As 2017 is drawing to a close – it is time for our Annual Report. In the
last 12 months, we have carried out 25 Bird Protection Camps in Spain,
France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Serbia, Cyprus and Lebanon. More than 200
volunteered their time and collected around 8,000 traps, nets and
limesticks. As a direct result of our field investigations, over 100
poachers were arrested. We were particularly successful in Cyprus, where
we have begun to observe a noticeable decline in poaching for the first
time by extending our presence over the peak trapping periods from 17
weeks in 2016 to 22 weeks this year. The highlight of the year was, of
course, our first Lebanon mission, in which we uncovered a staggering
amount of poaching in September and together with the help of our
supporters stopped the selling of tens of thousands of frozen songbirds
in two major supermarket chains.

You can read many more information about the individual operations and
campaigns in our Annual Report 2017:

As an old bird protector proverb goes: “The end is just the beginning”.
So, as one door begins to close on our actions and operations for 2017,
another opens on our schedule for 2018. If you’re interested in seeing
where we will be working to protect migratory birds in the coming year,
the details are now available on our website:

Thank you very much for your support - without supporter donations the
success of this year would not have been possible. Please consider
donating anything you can spare to help us ensure 2018 delivers even
more direct action to protect migratory birds from persecution.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018!

Kind Regards

Alexander Heyd and the CABS team

Alexander Heyd
(Geschäftsführer/Managing Director)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
An der Ziegelei 8, 53127 Bonn, Germany

Tel.: +49 228 66 55 21
Fax : +49 228 66 52 80

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