Securing pure and clean signals. Making the case for XF technology to enhance GNSS reliability.

Securing pure and clean signals

Making the case for XF technology to enhance GNSS reliability. 

In today's world, the radio frequency (RF) spectrum is more crowded than ever with signals from Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular networks, and more. This congestion poses a significant threat to the clear reception of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals, crucial for various applications from autonomous vehicles to precision agriculture.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • Brief introductions on the key components of XF technology.
  • The source of these threatening interference signals.
  • How these sources of interference affect GNSS reliability.
  • How Tallysman GNSS antennas uses XF technology to mitigate interference.
  • Details on what is driving the need for this type of mitigation
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