Invest in the systems that keep us healthy and divest from the systems that harm • Financial fraud at California’s community colleges
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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

California’s budget deficit revives state’s everlasting battle over school funding

In other words, it’s just another normal year in the abnormal world of school finance.

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Invest in the systems that keep us healthy and divest from the systems that harm

Public health research is clear

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Financial fraud at California’s community colleges

The state legislature should order an audit of the California Community Colleges application system, including financial aid applications.

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Newsom finally acts to slow insurers’ exit

Newsom is on the right track here, but why did it take so long?

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America’s obsession with race is a double-edged sword

Racism exists, but the extent to which it does may be exaggerated to the detriment of minorities.

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Should public colleges offer classes in agitation, protest?

A question no campus has yet addressed is whether public colleges exist in part to help unify Americans or to contribute to social unrest and racial and ethnic identity politics. Or possibly both.

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Would Trump guilty verdict change vote?: Letters

Guilty or not, he has my vote again in November Without going through the nitty details of those who are right and those who are wrong, the paper has required responders to assume that Trump is guilty and whether that verdict would change my vote. My answer is emphatically no! Trump has been badly treated by the N.Y. judicial system and the corresponding news coverage along with the fact that the trial itself would never have seen the light of day for any other defendant. This lack of fairness does not justify any change in my vote. — David Wilson, […]

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Would Trump guilty verdict change vote?: Letters

My vote is about the best successor to the office of the presidency The charges against former President Trump are nothing new. The “hush” money in this case was trumpeted around the world during his first campaign for president. Attorney-client privilege and nondisclosure contracts mean nothing. Only a person living under a rock would feign surprise at Trump’s affair. Every news outlet in the country ran a story about his one-night stand with the prostitute. The “hush” money is just haggling prices. My vote is and will be about the best successor to the presidency. After the two old men […]

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Global climate battle comes to California

In 2021, when much of California was ablaze, Gov. Newsom blamed climate change.

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Kudos to UCI administration’s action to clear encampment: Letters

Re “Police break up UCI encampment” (May 16): The UCI administration and law enforcement acted swiftly and safely to deal with the protesters. At the same time, shame on Irvine Mayor Kahn for supporting the protesters. I’m glad she’s termed out and can’t do more damage to our city. Just because blood is not shed does not mean protests are peaceful. The protesters do not have the right to block walkways, streets and take over buildings. They do not run the university and their demands are idiotic. They seem to forget that it’s the taxpayers that support these institutions and […]

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