TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 14, 2018

Donald Trump Has an Accused Cult Leader Proselytizing on His Behalf

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Stefan Molyneux's message to his acolytes is as simple as it is insidious. READ MORE»

Students Walk Out Nationwide to Protest Inaction on Gun Violence

By Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams

Activists are letting their legislators know they've finally had enough. READ MORE»

A California Teacher Almost Shot a Student, Proving We Don't Need Armed Educators

By Brendan Gauthier, AlterNet

Tuesday's accident demonstrates that giving teachers guns is a terrible idea. READ MORE»

The GOP Is in Full-Blown Panic Mode After Conor Lamb's Apparent Victory in Pennsylvania

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

One Republican strategist believes "no suburban district is safe." READ MORE»

Hollywood's Pay Gap Doesn't Get Much More Ridiculous Than This

By Erin Keane, Salon

Why is "The Crown's" Claire Foy earning significantly less than her co-star? READ MORE»

Stephen Hawking Was a Fierce Champion of the Palestinian Cause

Al Jazeera

The acclaimed physicist lent his support to students and academics alike. READ MORE»

White Nationalist Leader Quits After Learning of Wife's Affair with Fellow Neo-Nazi

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

“SPLC has won. Matt Parrott is out of the game." READ MORE»

16 of Stephen Hawking's Most Mind-Expanding Quotes

By Maria Vultaggio, Newsweek

The world-renowned physicist died Tuesday after a decades-long battles with ALS. READ MORE»

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