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California to legalize robot taxis: Could AI make your business travel cheaper?

Despite heightened safety concerns after a fatal Tesla crash, California is moving to allow self-driving car companies to transport riders without a human driver.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Walmart's automated pickup stations highlight future of digital transformation in retail

Credit card companies will ditch purchase signatures by end of month

How Google is turning its Cloud Speech-to-Text AI into a real business tool

The future of blockchain: Which businesses are using it now, which industries will use it soon

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Machine learning: A cheat sheet

Today's recommended downloads

IT leader’s guide to deep learning

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IT jobs 2018: Hiring priorities, growth areas, and strategies to fill open roles

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Featured multimedia

Photos: All the tech celebrities and brands that have deleted Facebook

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

A winning strategy for cybersecurity

The smartest companies now approach cybersecurity with a risk management strategy. Learn how to make policies to protect your most important digital assets.

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