In an unassuming office building in Woden, a group of dedicated "disease detectives" are on the COVID-19 case. There's no PPE and much of their work is done over the phone, but it's lifesaving stuff.
It's not quite Boston, but Lake Burley Griffin will do just fine for this Paralympic Games gold medal contender.
Times Past
On this day in 1960 the Prime Minister Robert Menzies' refusal to condemn South Africa's apartheid policy came under fire. "A refusal by the Prime Minister, Mr Menzies, to condemn in specific terms the policy of apartheid had brought shame upon the name of Australia," the Leader of the Federal Opposition, Arthur Calwell, said on the front page of The Canberra Times. Mr Calwell said Mr Menzies had left for England expressing the hope that the Commonwealth of Nations would have an indirect voice in the forthcoming summit conference. READ MORE