Call for Submissions: 2019 Writer's Market |
The 2018 Writer's Market is on bookshelves, so I'm putting out the call for articles to be featured in the 2019 Writer's Market. Every year, my goal is to put out the best edition yet, and I need a few good freelancers to help make that happen. Start by following these submission guidelines. Click to continue. |
Literary agents are busy professionals and need to be hooked early if they're going to offer to represent a potential author. Learn how to make that happen with the Agent One-on-One: First Ten Pages bootcamp that offers instruction, personalized feedback from an actual literary agent, and more. Click to continue. |
| Writer's Market Deluxe 2018 | Get the best combination of the latest Writer's Market book with a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com! | $49.99 $34.99 | |
| Writer's Market 2018 | The guide that's been helping writers get published and get paid for their writing since 1921 includes thousands of listings for book publishers, magazines, agents, and more. | $29.99 $24.99 | |
| Guide to Literary Agents 2018 | Get the ultimate guide to literary agents with hundreds of listings for literary agents and how to create submissions they'll love! | $29.99 $24.99 | |
This will be my tenth edition as the editor of Poet's Market. As such, I want it to be special (well, even more special than usual). Please follow the guidelines, but bring the creativity. I want pitches on the craft, business, and promotion of poetry. If you're not sure, pitch it anyway. I want to see poets who take risks. Click to continue. |
Robert Lee Brewer Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer. |