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5 MAY 2021View in Browser
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Today's top news
Cameron Stadium field, track renovations are ahead of schedule
The artificial surface is replacing natural grass and will enable multiple sports teams to practice and play on it.
Maine’s tourism industry sees signs of recovery after decline in 2020 visitors
The industry is seeing signs of a recovery this year after historic losses remained smaller than many feared.
Man charged with breaking into Bangor home, assaulting owner
Lance Bradford, 34, is charged with two counts of burglary, a Class B crime and one count each of assault and criminal mischief, both Class D crimes.
Small business COVID-19 relief program runs out of money
As of Sunday, the PPP had given out nearly 10.8 million loans worth more than $780 billion since April of last year.
Federal judge strikes down CDC’s national moratorium on evictions
The ruling is a setback for the Biden administration, which has also seen its proposed freeze on deportations halted by a court.
US backs waiving intellectual property rules on vaccines
Easing global trade rules would enable more countries to produce more of the life-saving vaccines.
If you want to spot more birds this summer, study your range maps
"If you know what species to expect in Maine this summer, you’re on your way to faster identification," writes Bob Duchesne.
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