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The EduWire Daily Update offers readers a summation of the most critical news and trends in the higher-ed tech arena. It curates critical content for MOOC, Education Technology, Flip Classrooms, Learning Management Systems, Web 2.0, Pedagogy, Lecture Capture, Distance Learning, Classroom Audio, Classroom Video, Education Apps, Streaming, Control Systems, IT, and Security.
Today's Top Stories
1. The Ever-Changing CIO Job Description
  via Campus Technology
  Jack Suess has worked at the University of Maryland Baltimore County since 1981, and he led the IT organization for several years before being named vice president and CIO in 2000. In the early days, his role was much more narrowly focused. More
Why This Matters: As technology becomes more and more woven into the fabric of every institution, the role of the higher ed CIO has been evolving. How have you seen the position change over the years?

2. The Secret Sauce of Engagement: Creating Successful Online Programs
  via The EvoLLLution
  Colleges and universities across the world have started to look to online courses and programs as a mechanism to create greater access to offerings for prospective students, and the modality has grown spectacularly in popularity over the past decade. However, many institutions are still having trouble creating offerings that are truly engaging, which is leading to questions about the quality of the online method of education. More
Why This Matters: If you build it, they will come, but the content needs to be engaging if you want them to stick around for the long haul. Don't miss these tips for boosting student engagement in online courses.

3. How Higher Ed Uses Twitter
  via Inside Higher Ed
  Has the Microsoft purchase of LinkedIn caused you to give some thought to the future of Twitter? More
Why This Matters: In the wake of Microsoft's LinkedIn purchase comes a whole slew of speculation about the future of Twitter. Joshua Kim takes a look at what Twitter means to higher ed from both an institutional and personal perspective.

4. Technology Use Boosts Students Confidence in Their Job Prospects [#Infographic] (EdTech Magazine)

5. What the Bot Revolution Could Mean for Online Learning (The Huffington Post)

6. Freakonomics author: 4 ways data could be tricking you (eCampus News)

7. Op-Ed: Technology can revolutionise university access

8. The online learning evolution: Building colleges in the clouds

9. What Employers Think About Your Online IT Degree (U.S. News & World Report)

10. Report: Online Credit Recovery Courses in Montana Need Support

Blog Quote of the Day
Of OER and Free Riders
"We dont need all users of OER to be contributors to OER for there to be a vibrant, healthy ecosystem of open content, assessments, simulations, and other resources for all courses at all levels. But no such ecosystem can ever emerge if no one (or as it stands today, an insufficient number of someones) contributes to the creation and continuous improvement of OER. Regardless of how we label this problem, we have to solve it to create the kind of educational future we want." David Wiley, iterating toward openness

For those touting Uber for Education

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EduWire Jobs Board

CHAMP Instructional Designer, Colorado Community College System (Denver, CO)

Instructional Technologist and Designer, Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN)

Director of Innovation and Academic Technology, Columbia University (New York, NY)

Technology Accessibility Specialist, Texas A&M University - Central Texas (Killeen, TX)

Instructional Technologies Specialist, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, WA)

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