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eBook: When is the Right Time For a Brand Update?

Walmart CEO: Company is Becoming More Digital

Can AI Replace Your Boss?

Smart managers are the backbone of any business – but when leadership is running on empty, things can start falling through the cracks. When tasks begin piling up and managers’ attention is pulled in every direction, AI tools can step in to help.

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A revolutionary new tech college, Make School, is offering students the option of free tuition and $1,500 a month living expenses on the condition that they sign an Income Share Agreement.

Kroger and all retailers are fast becoming tech companies and thus have the difficult task of competing with companies like Facebook for top tech talent.

AppZen has released a report, The State of AI in Business Spend, which shows that enterprise companies are only auditing 10 percent of employee expenses in expense reports submitted, which makes it very unlikely they will catch mistakes or even outright fraud.

Several young Google software engineers provided some great tips that will prepare you to get hired by Google. A key common denominator is to really know your stuff well because the main focus of the interview is going to be on technical skills.

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