Dark Reading | Intel is bringing ransomware protection to its new 11th Gen Core vPro mobile processors with the goal of strengthening security and visibility at the hardware level without disrupting the user experience. The Intel vPro platform is an enterprise offering built to include new technologies that businesses and employees need, including security tools and higher performance.
BetterCloud | When it comes to IT priorities, Forrester finds that SaaS was the No. 1 investment area for digital transformation. Why? Because SaaS is a valuable option that accelerates time-to-value and offers employees convenient access to work resources, even when they’re outside the office.
BleepingComputer | Microsoft has released Sysmon 13 with a new security feature that detects if a process has been tampered using process hollowing or process herpaderping techniques. To evade detection by security software, threat actors inject malicious code into a legitimate Windows process. This tactic allows the malware to execute, but in Task Manager, it appears as a standard Windows process running in the background.
ZDNet | Networking equipment and IoT device vendor Ubiquiti Networks has sent out today notification emails to its customers informing them of a recent security breach. The servers stored information pertaining to user profiles for account.ui.com, a web portal that Ubiquiti makes available to customers who bought one of its products.
Macworld | You plug in your adapter to your laptop, and the battery doesn’t charge reliably. Sometimes, your Mac dings to let you know it’s plugged in to power; other times, you have to plug and unplug, or even restart your computer. What’s up? Battery charging involves three separate elements, so you have to go through a process of troubleshooting to identify which one is faulty.
How-To Geek | Do you want to add percentages in Excel? There are a few ways to do this. In one sense, you could be talking about adding percentage values. Or, you could be looking for a way to add a 15% increase to a value. We’ll take a look at both.
SaaSOps Community | What do you do when an external user needs to be able to receive emails at a company address—and you don't want to pay for another user? Check out how the community discussion around this tricky issue is unfolding by clicking the link above.
Google Workspace Updates | You can now deploy and manage Google Credential Provider for Windows (GCPW) in the Admin console. Previously, you had to edit registry entries to manage GCPW. The new, organization-specific installation file and setting management in the Admin console makes it easier to deploy and manage GCPW in your organization.
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