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PM edition, Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Can Canberra's 'goodwill' be trusted during a coronavirus crisis?

Opinion: Are authorities placing too much faith in our obedience, and as such, exposing the community to a needless high risk, writes Dan Jervis-Bardy.

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Victorian positive COVID case stopped at Gundagai

A young Victorian who tested positive to coronavirus after visiting Sydney's northern beaches was at a Gundagai takeaway outlet last week.

Dead body may have been undiscovered for months

Subscriber: A man found dead by kayakers beside the Murrumbidgee River might have been there for nearly six months, an inquest heard.

Drivers pulled over at random at ACT border

Police are stationed at the Federal Highway on the border conducting random checks of cars to inform and enforce quarantine requirements.

Rifle, cash stolen in Theodore burglary

A rifle, ammunition and a large sum of cash were stolen when offenders broke into a house in Canberra on Monday, police say.

Police concerned for welfare of missing man

Police are seeking public help to find missing 47-year-old man Olafs Okonovs, who was last seen in Kambah on December 7.

Celebrity chef appointed to ASEAN board

Celebrity chef Poh Ling Yeow has been appointed to the Australian board of an international relations council.


Alone at Christmas? Here's how to enjoy it

Opinion: Being alone at Christmas doesn't have to be a terrible experience. In fact, it can be quite rewarding, writes Karen Hardy.

A French orphan's World War I Christmas miracle

A French orphan who survived four years alone on the Western Front was adopted by a digger who smuggled him home.

A parliamentary inquiry into the obvious

Opinion: An inquiry into why banks are abandoning coal will reveal nothing more than markets are working, writes Adam Triggs.

Consistency is Thunder's key amid COVID chaos

Subscriber: The Sydney Thunder return to BBL action at Manuka Oval tonight. But their road ahead is far from certain.
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