Hello John, 

Did you know there are tens of thousands of learners, from just about everywhere in the world, who use OCW resources each day? That one day of use can open doors, minds, and possibilities that could last a lifetime.

For OCW and MIT, there’s a special day that’s coming up. On March 14th, 12:00am–11:59pm EST, I hope you’ll join MIT alumni and friends around the globe during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge, MIT’s community day of giving, by supporting OpenCourseWare. 

We feel pretty lucky that you are part of our community. Whether you use, learn from or share OCW, you believe in the value of free, high-quality MIT educational resources. Your support on March 14 will help us sustain this free access to knowledge from MIT and meet our challenge goal of 500 people giving to Open Learning programs like OCW.

I hope you’ll consider adding the 24-Hour Challenge to your calendar:

Apple Google Office 365 Outlook Outlook.com Yahoo

Thank you! 

Curt Newton 
Director, MIT OpenCourseWare 

P.S. Want to help make our microchallenge a success? Learn more about becoming an #MIT24 Challenge Ambassador!

Learn more about the 24-Hour Challenge
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