J. Krishnamurti Online

Can the brain be quiet?

"Meditation implies, not the orthodox meditation, not the Zen meditation, not the meditation through repetition, all that is stupefying, mechanical, has no meaning. The real meditation is to find out whether the brain with all its activities, with all its experiences, can be absolutely quiet, not force it, because the moment you force it there is again duality. The entity that says, 'By Jove, I'd like to have a marvellous experience, therefore I must force my brain to be quiet, will it' - you will never do it. But if you begin to enquire, watch, observe, listen to all the movements of thought, its conditioning, its pursuits, its fears, its pleasures, how the brain operates, then you will see the brain becomes extraordinarily quiet. And the quietness is not dormancy, sleep, but tremendously active and therefore quiet. You understand? A machine, a big dynamo that is working perfectly, ticking over, well-oiled, hardly makes any sound, it's only when there is friction, there is noise. So the brain and therefore the body, must be completely quiet."

– J. Krishnamurti

Public Talk 7
Saanen, Switzerland - 30 July 1970

Love, sex, and pleasure

Dialogue 12
San Diego, California, USA
February 25, 1974

Q: What is love?

Is love pleasure, the expression of desire? Is love the fulfilment of sexual appetite?

Is love the pursuit of a desired end? Is love a thing that can be cultivated?

Love has been identified with sex which means, basically, with pleasure. Why have we made sex such an enormous, fantastic, romantic, sentimental affair? What is the relationship of joy, enjoyment and pleasure to love?

To come upon this thing called love you must understand the place of pleasure. A mind that has been trained, sustained in this rotten social conditioning must first free itself before it can talk about love.

What is total vision?

Brockwood Park, England
Question #5 from Q&A Meeting #1


'What is total vision? Is it an extension of our normal brain function or something totally different?'

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