J. Krishnamurti Online

Can the human mind be completely free of fear?

"The question is, not only how to deal with the conscious fears as well as those that are hidden, the fear of time, that is yesterday, of the things that one has done, the repetition of that misery, of tomorrow, the uncertainty, the insecurity, both psychological as well as physical. And there are the fears of great loneliness and the escape from that loneliness. Surely fear is a movement away from 'what is', the flight, the escape, the avoidance of actually 'what is', the movement, the flight away brings about fear. That is, when there is comparison of any kind, it breeds fear - comparing oneself with another whom you think is greater or wiser, nobler etc., etc. And the comparison of what you are with what you should be.

So fear is a movement away from the actual, the 'what is', the movement, not the object from which you escape. And fear comes about through comparison. And there is the fear, deeply hidden in oneself, of which one is not aware. So that these problems are all very complex. And none of these problems of fear can be resolved through will, saying to oneself, I will not be afraid. An act of will has no meaning. I hope you are following all this - it isn't a game I am playing with you, nor you playing a game with me. We are considering very serious problems and therefore you have to give your attention to it. And you cannot give attention if you are interpreting or translating or comparing what is being said with what you already know - you have to listen. And the art of listening one has to learn, because one doesn't listen at all, one is always comparing, evaluating, judging, denying. Therefore you prevent yourself from actually listening. To listen so completely to another implies that you give your whole attention - it doesn't mean you agree or disagree, because there is no agreement or disagreement when we are exploring together. Only the microscope through which you look may be dull, may not be clear. So if you have a precision instrument then what you see, is what another will also see. Therefore there is no question of agreement or disagreement or denial.

– J. Krishnamurti
Public Talk 2
San Diego, California, USA - 06 April 1970

Religion, authority and education - Part 2

Dialogue 16
San Diego, California, USA
February 27, 1974

How am I to inquire into religion?

What is religion, what is God, what is immortality, what is beauty? Can the mind put aside totally the structure of thought with regard to religion?

Can the mind be free of the authority of another, however divine or not divine? Can the mind put away everything that man has taught, invented, imagined about religion, God? Can wisdom be sought through a book, a teacher, from another, through sacrifice, torture, renunciation?

Can the mind be free of all the things that are born of fear, desire, pleasure?

Your thoughts, speech and behaviour are the very essence of religion. If they are not, religion can't exist.


What is right action?

Brockwood Park, England
Public Talk 3

Do we realize how very little freedom we have?

Are pleasure, fear, self-interest, time, thought, all one movement?

Does change imply a movement in time? If we understand that all time is now then is change meaningless?

Why has man suffered from time immemorial? Is there an end to sorrow?

Is love a continuation and remembrance of pleasure, or is it entirely beyond thought and time? What relationship has love to sorrow and compassion?

Where there is love there is absolute freedom. Can we live our daily life with that perfume?


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