'The Politics of Everything' TNR's podcast hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
October 26, 2020 

Can the Supreme Court Be Fixed?

The problem with the highest court in the country isn’t just that it’s too conservative—it’s also too powerful.

“The Politics of Everything” Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene

Is California Doomed to Keep Burning?

Years of unchecked development and bad climate policy have set the state on fire. Where do we go from here?

“The Politics of Everything” Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene



Inside the Republican Plot for Permanent Minority Rule

How the GOP keeps cheating its way into power—and may get away with it again in 2020

By David Daley

The Town That Went Feral

When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.

By Patrick Blanchfield



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