Dear Friend,

As we wind down the year and count the days until the Biden-Harris administration takes office, steering us back to our cherished democratic values and traditions, we must also count our blessings that independent journalism did not break under Trump’s unrelenting firestorm against the media.

While some mass news outlets caved to the politics, conveniently ignoring the truth,
The New Republic has stayed firmly committed to fulfilling our mission to push and preserve the American liberal experiment.

But the cost of publishing fact-based journalism is far more than we can rely on from subscription and advertising revenues.

That’s why I’m writing to ask for your assistance today. Any donation will bolster our ability to report the news with accuracy, intellectual vigor, and scrupulous professionalism.


Your access to the facts behind the most pressing issues of our time is our first priority. We answer only to our readers, no one else, with articles such as:

Kate Aronoff’s Inside the Fight to Shape Biden’s Climate Policy

Matt Ford’s Bill Barr Will Go Down in History as Trump’s Worst Enabler

Melissa Gira Grant’s Nick Kristof and the Holy War on Pornhub

Alex Shephard’s Sorry, the Hunter Biden Story Is Still Not a Thing

And, podcasts, such as our latest: How Pandemics End

With your donation, you will help provide the resources we need to continue producing these hard-hitting investigative features and publish the best writers in American independent journalism.
Can we count on you?



Kerrie Gillis, publisher

Contributions to the Fund for The New Republic are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions.

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