Celebrate the Anniversary of the October Revolution! Donate to the WSWS! Today is the 101st anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia, the most monumental and transformative event of the 20th century. The revolution demonstrated that, given correct leadership and an international socialist perspective, the working class could take political power and transform society. Donate to the WSWS Last year, the ICFI marked the centenary of the Russian Revolution with a series of lectures, Why Study the Russian Revolution. We explained that a review of the experiences of 1917 was not merely a matter of historical interest, but essential in orienting workers and youth in a new period of revolutionary upheaval. The past year has only confirmed this essential truth! Today, on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, we are asking you to donate to the World Socialist Web Site, the voice of international socialism. Help support the fight for a society free of war, inequality and dictatorship. Help us reach workers all over the world. Help us break the censorship of the internet, which is aimed at preventing masses of people from getting access to essential information and a revolutionary perspective. Donate $101 to mark the 101st anniversary of October. If you do, we'll send a signed copy of Volume 1 of Why Study the Russian Revolution. Or donate whatever you can. Fraternally, The World Socialist Web Site |