Dear Reader,

We’re in the middle of our Passover Pledge Drive, when we ask you to become a member of the Forward to support our journalism, analysis, Yiddish content and more.

Let me show you why your gift matters not only to the team at the Forward, but to you and to the entire American Jewish community.

As Deputy Opinion Editor, I work on our award-winning opinion section. I’m proud of the breadth of opinions and analysis we share with you from across the political, religious and cultural spectrum. Every American Jew can see themselves both reflected in and challenged by the Forward.

We want to be sure everyone can access these thoughtful and diverse opinion pieces. That’s where you come in: The Forward is free to everyone thanks to the financial support of our members.

You can support our vital mission. Make a gift today and become a Forward member who supports journalism and ideas that help us better understand ourselves and each other.


Nora Berman

Deputy Opinion Editor

The Forward

P.S. We’ve set a goal for 500 people to make a gift and become members by April 30. If you value the Forward’s journalism, take the next step and make your gift this Passover!
