Engadget | Windows 10X was supposed to be Microsoft’s dual-screen OS, powering devices from a slew of major manufacturers. But that plan changed last year when the company revealed it was going to be focusing on single screen devices. You know, normal laptops and tablets. So what is Windows 10X really going to be now?
BetterCloud | Your SaaS environment grows as each well-meaning employee adds another perfect, productivity-boosting SaaS application. But all too often, that new app ends up introducing enormous and unnecessary risks to your company’s SaaS environment. While there are some fairly obvious security and budget-oriented issues to think about, we discuss how the hidden risks of SaaS can impact every IT organization.
BleepingComputer | The US National Security Agency (NSA) says that companies should avoid using third party DNS resolvers to block threat actors' DNS traffic eavesdropping and manipulation attempts and to block access to internal network information. NSA's recommendation was made in a new advisory on the benefits (and risks) of using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) in enterprise environments.
Computerworld | When Apple shipped macOS Big Sur in November, researchers quickly spotted a strange anomaly in the system’s security protection that could have left Macs insecure. Apple now seems to be dealing with this problem, introducing a fix in the latest public beta release.
MakeUseOf | If you're familiar with the many keyboard shortcuts in Windows and still feel like you need more, it's time to move onto an advanced tool that lets you make your own scripts. AutoHotkey (AHK) is the answer to your customization needs. This program lets you remap keys, create custom shortcuts, run macros to automate repetitive tasks, and more.
How-To Geek | Windows 10’s Snap Assist feature is nice, but it lacks customization. Microsoft’s PowerToys app makes it possible to split the screen however you want. This is great for ultra-wide monitors and anyone who wants a better tiling window manager.
SaaSOps Community | Mystery autoresponders got you down? What a wild ride that must be for IT admins, and based on the conversation today in the SaaSOps Community, it's really quite a pickle. Check it out and lend a helping hand if you can by clicking the link above.
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