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Monday, March 23, 2020
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Marieke Hemmes

Annika Durinck

Astrid van den Broek

Sander Bruins Slot

 Job Offers
Farm Manager - Queensland Plants & Flowers, Australia
Teeltspecialist (Proeftuin & Veredeling) - Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Netherlands
Farm Manager - Riana, Tasmania, Australia
Industry Development Manager - Rocklea, Australia
Sales Manager
Commercial Manager | Huelva, Spain | Soft Fruits
Farm manager / Senior grower seeking for his next role
Fruit Export Junior Sales Manager (Europe Division)
Crop Team Manager Hydroponics - USA
Plant Production Scientist - Brooklyn (New York) USA

Karen Brux of the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association:

“Chile’s plum shipments will continue into April”

During North America’s winter months, Chile enjoys their summer season and supplies the US market with stone fruits. The stone fruit exports from Chile start in November, with…

Uncertain future for pear imports

Pears are continuing to ship from Argentina, though this commodity is another one that could possibly be affected by the circumstances around the COVID-19 Virus. “This…

Slim supplies still on imported watermelons

Imported watermelon supplies are tight as the end of the import season draws near. “Supplies have been very very tight and they’ve been like that for the past six weeks,” says…

Canadian government announces foreign workers exempt from travel ban

On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, CPMA, along with over 20 other agriculture organizations across Canada, submitted a Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) COVID-19 Agri-food…

Chad Wolf, acting secretary for Homeland Security:

"US-Mexico supply chains intact despite coronavirus"

Despite adding new travel restrictions to both the northern and southern borders of the United States, US officials said economic activity with Canada and…

2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show cancelled

In light of the rapid escalation of safety precautions to decrease the transmission of COVID-19, and recommendations of municipal, provincial and federal…

Today's important COVID-19 news in the fresh produce sector

Corona-update: OECD says global economy will suffer for years to come

Experts fear that in the near future, the Spanish soft fruit sector might become the next Coronavirus casualty, and the International Air Transport Association is appealing to…

"Become proactive in connecting with your customers"

Local and specialty growers hit by COVID-outbreak

Whereas on one hand the demand for vegetables went through the roof following mass hoarding, many vegetable growers have also noticed the downside of the outbreak. Farmers…

France is the leading import market for US grapefruit in Europe

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS 2018), France is the leading import market for US grapefruit…

The popularity of Mexican habanero peppers in the US, Europe, and Asia increases

The demand for Mexican habanero peppers in the United States, Europe, and Asia has increased because its particular properties are used in different sectors,…

Special Australia / New Zealand

Kapiris Bros drive for a sustainable future. From pulp to packaging

Kapiris Bros has begun rolling out an innovative initiative in sustainable packaging practices this week by replacing plastic trays and punnets with home compostable sugarcane…

Global Focus Grapes

Ukrainian grape harvest likely to be reduced due to mild winter

Due to the abnormally warm winter, the impact of diseases affecting grapes has intensified in Ukraine, as reported to by Andrey Karpushev, head…


IFDA has partnered with FMI

Report: Amazon has bid on four Fairway locations

Amazon asks shoppers to cooperate with U.S. probe of third-party Inc has started asking customers to cooperate with a Department of Justice criminal…

Banana producer commits to water conservation through farm rejuvenation

Sunday March 22 was World Water Day, and Chiquita announced that the company has committed to water conservation through land gifting and farm rejuvenation programs.…

Vertical farms are battling the new market situation due to COVID-19

"We are all in this together and we will make it"

The COVID-19 has a huge impact on many industries due to the measures taken in regards to labor and food safety. Also vertical farming has been hit by the virus as many farms…

20% decrease in Costa Rican fresh produce exports to Europe

The expansion of COVID-19 in Europe has forced different countries to adopt strict measures to curb infections, such as the suspension of classes, the closure of hospitality…

Themar Al Emarat facility UAE in production

Cooling a soilless growing facility even in extreme climates

It's not a fata morgana that you see when staring at the al Kaheef desert in the United Arab Emirates - it's a real greenhouse that is realised there. The 5 hectare facility…

Australian mango season wraps up with significant developments on the export front

The Australian mango season has finished for 2019-20, and it was a year in which the industry continued to take big steps towards growing its export program. The Australian…

Not coronavirus

Drought and bushfires blamed for rising food prices in Australia

Major Australian food retailers blame drought and bushfires for the rising food costs. However, the coronavirus pandemic may prompt price increases, if supply chains are…

Measure due to coronavirus crisis

Dubai lowers import duties by 20% for the next 3 months

Dubai is to reduce its import customs duties by 20%. This is valid for the next three months. The ruling applies to all imported goods sold on the United Arab…

Russia to lift all restrictions for import of basic goods for one month

Russia will lift all restrictions for imports of essential goods for one month starting Friday, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said opening a government…

"We heard whispers that Gisborne navel oranges were one of the best-kept secrets"

The taste of New Zealand citrus becomes an iconic biscuit flavour

The flavour of New Zealand oranges has been immortalised, with the taste and flavour being used in the iconic Tim Tam biscuit. Gisborne fruit and produce supplier First Fresh…

Lindert Moerdijk, MSP Onions:

"Dutch onion sales in high gear due to Covid-19 and approaching Ramadan"

In one short week, the Dutch onion market has shifted from relatively boring into top gear. "Onions will always be around, we always say. But I would not have believed a virus…

"Chestnut export from China significantly lower"

Being a non-essential item, chestnuts are not tied to rigid market demand. The chestnut industry has been significantly damaged during the COVID-19 breakout. We learned from…

Orders for Chinese garlic from Europe drop sharply

The market situation for garlic has changed rapidly in the past few weeks. During the traditional Chinese New Year holidays, garlic exports have declined due to factories…

Chinese apple reserves in Gansu production areas higher than last year

Fruit and vegetable companies in Gansu are gradually recovering and both production and retail are resuming normal levels as the COVID-19 epidemic in China is gradually taking…

"Overseas demand for Chinese Orri tangerines continues to grow"

The orange and tangerine supply seasons in China were delayed during the Chinese Spring Festival [25 January, 2020] and the subsequent COVID-19 epidemic, but now the oranges…

"Overall product quality is excellent"

"Dalian cherries enter Chinese market"

The cherry import season is gradually coming to an end in China and the season of domestic cherries is about to begin. Cherries have gained immense popularity…

"Guanxi honey pomelos blossomed early this year"

The weather is gradually warming up and the Guanxi honey pomelo production areas in Pinghe are gradually entering the blossoming season. Manager Zhang, a spokesperson for…

Europe to debate ban on mancozeb

The EU's Standing Committee on Vegetables, Animals, Food and Feed plans to meet on March 23 and 24 to decide if they continue to authorize the use of mancozeb, the seventh…

DG Agri Dashboard tomatoes - update 23-03-2020

Weighted price for tomatoes in the EU is at €102 per 100 kg

In the current month, the weighted price for tomatoes in the EU is at €102 per 100 kg, just one euro above the five year average. The usual April-May price dip is underway.…

Total EU avocado supply (updated 23-03-2020)

EU: Peruvian Hass avocado influx expected

At this time, the start of the influx of Peruvian Hass avocados is on the books. Israeli green and Hass avocado shipments were at 593,000 4-kg cartons in week 12. Peru shipped…

Turkish citrus export volumes continue to increase

Between January and February 2020, Turkey exported 442,000 tons of citrus for $ 228 million. As highlighted by the president of the National Citrus Council…

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