How these two Canadian men became stars on a Finnish reality dating show
How these two Canadian men became stars on a Finnish reality dating show

How these two Canadian men became stars on a Finnish reality dating show

Matthew Almusa from Saskatchewan and Roy Rissanen from Ontario are looking for mates on 'Maajussille morsian maailmalla,' or 'Farmer Wants a Wife in the World.' Think 'The Bachelor' for country folk: no roses, but plenty of cattle.
The problem of Alzheimer’s: Caregiver exhaustion and a minefield of ethical quandaries

The problem of Alzheimer’s: Caregiver exhaustion and a minefield of ethical quandaries

As the world's population ages, a new generation will be facing Alzheimer's. A new book delves into the disease's toll and what's needed to quell the effects of the coming wave.

François Legault's total dominance: 338Canada

François Legault's total dominance: 338Canada

Philippe J. Fournier: In our latest projection, the CAQ party has more safe seats than the threshold for a majority. Meanwhile, the PQ continues to disintegrate.

Anxiety was always at the root of my achievements. The pandemic made things worse.

Anxiety was always at the root of my achievements. The pandemic made things worse.

'I would ask myself: How successful am I in my classes? At helping my parents? At maintaining my appearance? At honing my hobbies? At being lonely?'

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