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AM edition, Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Good morning, Canberra. We're in for some potentially heavy rain today, with between 50mm and 80mm predicted. Stay safe. Here are today's top stories.

Canberra region braces for torrential downpour

Residents and emergency services are preparing for a torrential downpour to lash the ACT and surrounds today, with up to 80mm of rain expected to close roads and submerge bridges.

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Top stories

Staffer performed 'solo sex act' on female MP's desk

Subscriber: Photos and videos recorded inside Parliament House show a government staffer in a "solo sex act" on the desk of a female MP.

Asbestos, lead clean up costs ACT schools $40m

Subscriber: The ACT Education Directorate spent almost $40 million in the past four years cleaning up lead paint and asbestos in schools.

New NSW flood warnings, hundreds rescued

Evacuation warnings have been issued for residents northwest of Sydney amid heavy rainfall and flooding.

'Fairly inexperienced': ABF says official made error

Subscriber: The head of Australia's border control force admits it was an "error" to give a news media camera crew access to deportees.

Concerns over worker safety at Gungahlin pool

Subscriber: Canberra Liberals have called on the ACT government to protect workers from dangerous silica dust particles during the repair.

Concerns raised over ANU Medical School plan

Subscriber: Staff at the ANU Medical School have raised concerns the school would effectively be disbanded under a new proposal.

How bugs help volunteers care for our waterways

After many years of drought, Canberra's water quality levels are on the rise, thanks in part to local volunteers.

Call for focus on land rights in treaty talks

The ACT government must address unresolved Aboriginal land rights and native title issues if it is to make progress on treaty discussions.
Updated by 7am weekdays.
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NRL bunker coin toss baffles Canberra Raiders

Subscriber: NRL players are quickly losing confidence in the bunker just two rounds into the season, Josh Papalii says.

Bluey provides a model we can all get behind

Opinion: The nuances, messages and way Bluey characters interact with each other provide lessons for us all, writes Zoë Wundenberg.

Morks provides modern take on familiar flavours

Food & Wine | Review: Each time Kirsten Lawson visits Morks, she's struck all over again at how well the place has nailed the 'feel'. 

Using fairytales to dispel beauty myths

The Beauty Thief takes the form of a traditional fairytale, complete with an evil witch and a princess out to reclaim her stolen beauty.

Times Past

The Times Past feature in yesterday's edition was about an unidentified golden retriever dubbed "the loaded dog". On this day, 36 years ago, we learned its identity. Raj, the Macgregor "bomb dog" was returned to his home after he spent a night in the Mugga Lane dog pound. "He's always been a favourite around these streets, everybody knows him, but he's never had this much attention," his owner, Mr Dave Wedderburn, said. READ MORE
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