I've decided to interrupt our coverage of the Consumer Electronics Show today. Even though it may cost our company a fortune...
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Dear Reader,

I've decided to interrupt our coverage of the Consumer Electronics Show today.

Even though it may cost our company a fortune...

I'm confident I'm making the right decision.

You see, across all of Stanberry Research, only one analyst can say that he successfully navigated Black Monday in '87... the dot-com crash... AND the housing crisis in 2008.

And until recently, I've never seen him concerned that stocks are going anywhere but up.

But today, he has a critical warning that I believe investors need to hear.

And for older Americans, it is even more important.

So, I've canceled today's normal email.

That's how important I believe the warning he is sharing today is.

Instead, I want to alert you to an Urgent Market Briefing we will hold next Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

In it, our most experienced analyst will take center stage.

And he'll explain his current thesis: Why 2019 Could Change the Future of Retirement.

We've scheduled the on-camera briefing for January 23rd at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

Please make sure you mark your calendar today.


Brett Aitken
Managing Director

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