August 6, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Well that was a hairy Monday, right?  Time to take a break from the stock market -- and as it so happens, today is yours truly's birthday 🎂 (I'm beginning the final year of my 40s, for those of you pondering our reasonably priced lifetime subscription ðŸ˜ƒ)  -- so I'm turning the wheel over to Michael Jorrin today for another Doc Gumshoe column... what better way to cheer us up after a market clobbering than a look at cancer? 
In all seriousness, though, there is plenty of good news... and some interesting hope coming down the pike.  Just click below for his latest... 

America's No. 1 marijuana investment expert helped his readers collect $74,815... $257,000... and $800,000 on Canadian pot stocks.

Now he's targeting a market that's TEN TIMES BIGGER...

With one pot stock set to be the biggest stock of 2019.

Click here for the story behind the No. 1 pot stock in America.



And if you want to check in on some optimism while the market's got us all a bit jumpy, what better place than the fever dreams of the newsletter pitchmen?  Did you miss any of their trips to the promised land this week?  I'll catch you right up. 

First, though, I should answer a question that lots of readers are still asking:  The Motley Fool tease about Tom Gardner's first ever marijuana stock recommendation is still our most-requested story, and still our most popular article despite the fact that it's now almost two weeks old -- if you missed that one,it's right here.

And the new stuff this week?  We took a look at yet another Motley Fool teaser, this one a "hidden 5G superstar" that the Rule Breakers folks say gives them "goosebumps" --Thinkolator answers here.

After that it was a look into Marin Katusa's "Forever Royalties" -- this "Canadian Insider," we're told, is looking for 1,993% profits... is it still the same stock we looked at before?  Click here for our story.

And we revisited a couple "this day will change the world" stories -- Jeff Siegel has been trumpeting that August 4 (which is tomorrow, if you're reading this the day I sent it) will be the "most profitable day in teh history of mankind" thanks to a company that's poised to "end aging and make you rich."  Wanna be ready for that excitement tomorrow?  I'm afraid you'll be a bit disappointed, but my story on that is here if you want the details.

I regret to inform you that the August 1 date on which you can start amassing marijuana millions, per Ray Blanco, has already passed... but the stock did actually go up at the end of the week on some non-news, so now it's only down 50% from when he first made these promises in March.  Our lightly updated story is here. 

And I closed the week out with a bunch of updates for the Irregulars in our Friday File -- it was a busy day in the Real Money Portfolio, with two sells and four buys (most of which are quite a bit cheaper today, more's the pity), so there's plenty of blatheration just waiting for you if you'll click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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