A comma-shaped swirl of magenta spheroids punctuated with a large green spheroid at the top

Cancer Solutions

science + engineering = conquering cancer together

Volume 131: October 2024

A new mechanism for an old drug

Since the 1950s, the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been commonly used to treat many cancers with the understanding that it works by damaging DNA and inhibiting the synthesis of its building blocks. A new study from the Yaffe Lab shows instead that, when used clinically for colon and other gastrointestinal cancers, the drug actually kills tumor cells by interfering with RNA synthesis important for making new ribosomes.

The findings, published inCell Reports Medicine, help explain how treatments that combine 5-FU with DNA-damaging chemotherapies could be modified to increase patient survival, and can also inform the design of better drug combinations for these cancers.

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Video of White House Fellow Padmini Pillai force tumor cells self-destruct using mRNA nanotherapy. discussing project to

Congratulations to Padmini Pillai on her appointment to the prestigious 2024-2025 White House Fellows Program!

In the Langer Lab, Padmini is bridging the gap between discoveries in immunology and advances in biomaterial design to treat human disease. Watch the video to hear more about her project to force tumor cells to self-destruct using mRNA nanotherapy.

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