Plus, how to fix hospitals' price gouging, and more...

July 27, 2021
Police Officers Give Congress a Front-Row Seat to the Trauma of Our Politics
On the opening day of testimony, the Capitol’s defenders tried to rescue the January 6 commission from the all-consuming partisan rancor that spawned it.
by Grace Segers


Republicans are once again playing stupid, dangerous games with America’s sovereign credit.
by Bruce Bartlett
Experts say the long-Covid crisis will mirror the pandemic itself, creating a “tsunami of disability” that will take a disproportionate toll on low-income people of color.
by Karina Piser
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Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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Rather than force hospitals to be up front with patients about their costs, we should strip them of the power to set them.
by Natalie Shure
Body cams and artificial intelligence are making policing worse, not better.
by Jacob Silverman


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