MPR News PM Update
Capitol View
By David H. Montgomery

Good evening,

Minneapolis voters will get a chance to authorize rent control ordinances this November — but probably not to authorize themselves to pass rent control. Two rent control ballot measures got City Council approval, but Mayor Jacob Frey vetoed the one allowing voter-initiated rent control referendums. The council could override this veto, but it only passed with seven votes out of the nine needed to override. That's in contrast to another referendum, authorizing the council to enact rent control, which passed 11-1 and got Frey's approval. [ Read more from Jon Collins]

As Minnesota begins to slowly unwind its COVID-19 eviction moratorium, evictions are rising, but they remain far below pre-pandemic levels. [Read more from the Minnesota Reformer's Max Nesterak]

Pro-DFL political committee Alliance for a Better Minnesota has agreed to pay a civil penalty of $11,535 due to late filing of a report on $230,756 in campaign spending near the end of the 2020 election. [ Read the letter]

Former President Barack Obama is scaling back his long-planned 60th birthday party on Martha's Vineyard, disinviting many of the original (reported) 475 guests in response to concerns about COVID-19 and the political optics of a large, star-studded party at the present moment. [Read more from the New York Times' Annie Karni]

America's most ridiculous political "scandal" is back: The president wore a tan suit. [ Read more from the Washingtonian's Danielle Byck]

Something completely different: Most people are aware of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," an early 20th century forgery that became a staple of antisemitic conspiracy theories. But America has its own venerable antisemitic forgery — the "Franklin Prophecy," an alleged prediction by Benjamin Franklin that Jewish people would ruin America, written and published in 1934. Despite its language being obviously not in late-18th century style, it still circulates after repeated debunkings, including a public letter from Osama bin Laden. [ Read more from Tablet's Scott D. Seligman]

Listen: More user suggestions, this time Twitter user @louderthanilook with Frisbie's "Vertigogo." [Listen]

Have a good weekend!


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