Few beliefs or behaviors you encounter today can shock you as you are likely in an exceedingly tolerant and open-minded mood. Though you may disagree with the opinions or assertions others put forth, your reaction to these differences of philosophy will likely not deter you from pursuing new relationships. This liberal approach to interpersonal interactions can help you win friends and earn the esteem of your peers by demonstrating that you do not support discrimination. As people in the various spheres of your life recognize your exceptional tolerance for diversity, they will likely be more apt to seek out your company. Today may be the day that you begin a lifelong study of the many modes of being embraced throughout the world.

When we respect the beliefs and values of those individuals whose personal philosophies differ from our own, we do our part to create a widespread culture of tolerance. We ensure that others will follow our example and afford us similar acceptance, even if there is little hope of our ever seeing eye to eye. Likewise, diversity in our relationships can only exist when we adopt a liberal-minded perspective that allows us to interact comfortably with a wide variety of individuals. This attitude of acceptance allows us to take joy in the commonalities we share because we understand that the differences that can potentially divide us are of very little consequence. Since you accept that others will think and feel differently from you today, your relationships will be representative of the diversity you cherish in your heart.