You may feel particularly passionate about your beliefs today and be ready to change the world for the better. Your compassion for others and an optimistic attitude may prompt you to actively campaign for large-scale change. If you can, try not to let your desire for worldwide change dissuade you from enacting change on a local or personal level. You may be able to do the most good by bringing joy into the life of one person. The difference you make today, whether large or small, will reverberate outward and create a wave of positive change that will impact people you may never meet.

Making an effort to act on your philanthropic passions can help you understand that one person is capable of making a positive difference in the world. As you touch people's lives in a beneficial way and they go on to do the same for others, you'll see that your efforts not only contribute to the overall good in the world, but can also inspire those around you to do the same. The long-range impact of your actions may not be readily apparent, but you may find that the gratitude lavished upon you from those you have directly affected is hugely rewarding. You'll also know that through your endeavors you've made the world a better place. Your commitment to creating change today will show you that even the smallest acts can have hugely positive results.