You may feel obliging today and compelled to share your resources with people in need. Similarly, a need to provide comfort and solace for your loved ones can drive you to contact family and friends alike in order to inform them that they are in your thoughts. This gracious and accommodating frame of mind can inspire you to open your home today to the people about whom you care. Whether your intention is to provide a soothing place where these individuals can recover from the stresses of the day or to house those who have nowhere else to go, your hospitality will likely mean more than you will ever know to the people who take advantage of it.

When we offer up our homes as places of refuge for those people who have undergone difficulties of late, we can make certain that those individuals are well taken care of and safe from all manner of harm. If our goal is to see that our loved ones can take advantage of every blessing in life, we need only give them a safe haven to return to when their lives go awry. The reassurance and security we offer can give them the courage to extend themselves past that which they have previously known, and to pursue goals that fall outside the boundaries of their comfort zones. We, in essence, empower the important people in our lives by giving them both a viable safety net and the gift of heartfelt encouragement. Your loved ones will thrive in your accommodating embrace today when you offer them a true sanctuary.