You may feel reflective and emotional today. These feelings could cause you to be overly sensitive to what people say and do. You may find that you react strongly to offhanded remarks from colleagues or that you feel slighted when your expectations aren't met in your personal life. A little introspective investigation could help you determine why the words and deeds of your loved ones and colleagues are affecting you so strongly. You may discover that others are acting thoughtlessly today because they are frustrated, hurt, or projecting their feelings on you rather than because they intended to rankle you.

Making the effort to understand people's motivations, instead of taking what they say or do personally, can help you see that people's actions often have little to do with you. Our emotional reaction to others' negativity often prevents us from understanding the root cause of that negativity because we are so caught up in our responses. When you take the time to consider what may have prompted someone to say something thoughtless or act carelessly, you empower yourself to choose how you will respond instead of reacting to their behavior. Make the effort to understand people's true motives today, and you'll be able to respond to what they are really trying to convey to you.