A single-minded feeling may come over you today, eclipsing your natural and usually constructive tendency to divide your focus between numerous tasks. Personal and professional goals you may have up until now only dipped into can capture your attention and enthrall you. As a result, you may find yourself putting aside other duties in order to concentrate solely on those goals most important to you. If unrelated circumstances threaten to derail the progress you are making, you will likely respond by delving ever more deeply into the task at hand. You may be in a diligent mood and ready to take on challenges you might once have shied away from. Making the most of the intense drive you feel today may be a matter of concentrating on duties you have found taxing in the past.

When your approach to goal setting and accomplishment is single-minded and resolute, nothing can sway you from your purpose. As you formulate and execute your life strategies, you'll be less concerned with the tides that change around you and more focused on the dreams you hope to realize. You won't feel compelled to adapt your plans to changing situations. Rather, you will determinedly and boldly face unexpected events on your own terms. Neither criticism nor roadblocks will have the power to distract you from your chosen intentions. You'll commit yourself entirely to your passions, pursuing them joyfully through periods of adversity. The single-mindedness with which you approach your goals today can help you focus wholeheartedly on your life's purpose.