You may question today whether your relationships are as strong as you once believed them to be. A feeling of disconnectedness can plague you, distracting you from your duties and making life's flavor seem more bitter than usual. However, the bonds that bind you to your loved ones are likely suffering from nothing more than neglect. Easing the strain that exists between you and the important people in your life can be as simple as reaching out to these individuals. As you make the effort to reconnect with relatives and friends, you may come to realize that you were waiting for your loved ones to acknowledge you. Your willingness to demonstrate your affection with no thought of recompense today will likely end your isolation.

Taking the initiative where our relationships are concerned enables us to actively ensure that we never grow apart from the important people in our lives. While our strongest desire may be that these special individuals seek us out for companionship and comfort, we have little control over the thoughts, impulses, and feelings of our loved ones. When we choose, instead, to seek them out, we declare both our lasting tenderness and our intention to maintain the closeness we have previously enjoyed. The people we care about will respond to this forthrightness of emotion and purpose by accepting our love eagerly. We thus secure and strengthen the bonds that add value to our lives in a most pleasurable way. Your disconnected feelings will vanish today as you reconnect with your loved ones by bridging the distances that exist between you.