You may find yourself the recipient of many compliments today, making you feel special and appreciated. Even if you don't do things for the sake of acknowledgment, it is a wonderful feeling when someone notices your efforts and cares enough to express their feelings. Once you realize the impact that being acknowledged has made upon you, you can share the warmth by expressing your appreciation for others. Today is your day in the spotlight, so enjoy the light being shined upon you.

The gift of a compliment is the gift of positive energy. We can easily picture it as light, imagining not only the beam from the smile as it's given to us but the way our own face lights up in response and then the warm, fuzzy glow we feel inside afterward. It is like our own inner spark has been rekindled by the flame of another. We can also picture the effect of a compliment like a plant in the sunlight. We are nourished by the rays of light that touch us, and it encourages our further growth. Since the light encourages us, we are motivated to stretch ourselves further, do more, and do it better. The light of attention works the same way in friendships and romantic relationships as it does in the office or on our pets. All living things respond to the light of positive energy. Today as we enjoy accepting light from others, we make a choice to bring more light into the world by sharing it.