You may choose to reveal private information today, which could leave you feeling exposed. Know that if you were guided to make that choice there is a reason. You may find that after the initial feeling passes, you actually feel more authentically yourself. Your openness may invite confidences from people that can allow you to interact more honestly, making deeper connections. You may never see the effect you've had on others, but each of us does change the world around us every day. When you follow your inner guidance, you are sure to make a positive impact on the world today.

Society teaches us to keep certain things about ourselves hidden. We may have learned in childhood that it's inappropriate to disrobe in public or felt the sense of shame from a reaction to our sharing deep emotions. Later we learn the rewards that accompany the risks and may be willing to face the possibility of embarrassment for the glory of success. By choosing to stand in the truth of who we are to the best of our ability in every moment, we make the choice to live an authentic life. We reduce the chance of regret when we act on our intuition, though we may need to push past fear to do it. Today may bring you one step closer to feeling such confidence in yourself that you have no fear of the opinions of others and can share all of your light and darkness with complete freedom and joy.