You may feel overextended and overwhelmed today as you address your numerous obligations. A pressing need to succeed can take hold of you, prompting you to skip breaks, lunches, and evenings at home in order to focus on fulfilling your ambitions. If you have set irrational deadlines where projects relating to your career or your personal goals are concerned, you are likely sabotaging your own efforts. The unreasonable expectations you set can become a source of anxiety. Consider that your energy stores are limited and that you may feel more fulfilled by doing less or amending your agenda to include personal time. As you reexamine your priorities today, you may discover that you can accomplish each and every one of your goals provided your expectations are realistic.

When you recognize that you have needs that are wholly separate from those pertaining to your professional and personal goals, you can set reasonable and balanced expectations for yourself. Often, we become so caught up in a single endeavor that we inadvertently neglect other equally important aspects of our existence. Taking your diverse needs into account when making long-term plans or drafting your short-term agenda will ensure that you always make time for the activities that bring you pleasure and the people who add value to your life. You will no longer be tempted to overwork yourself to achieve success or give up the personal time that nourishes your soul. You'll regain your momentum today when you reintroduce equilibrium into your life in a levelheaded manner.