You may feel confident and eager to express yourself today. Whereas once you might have hesitated to make your needs known, you could be quite willing to tell people what's on your mind. Your emboldened mind-state could make you more apt to take risks, and you may be intensely driven to express yourself creatively, either within the context of a project you're working on or when relating to friends and loved ones. This can be a wonderful time to boldly share your ideas with a colleague you respect or freely profess your love for someone you deeply care for. If you let your thoughts and feelings guide you today, you'll likely find that your dreams are more attainable than you had previously thought.

Be bold and it will become easier for you to achieve your dreams. Often, little more than a sense of timidity stands between us and what we desire. When you are brave enough to express yourself and believe in what you are doing, you'll feel comfortable approaching people who can help you achieve your goals or guide you in the proper direction. You'll likewise do what you feel is necessary to move closer to realizing your dreams, even if the actions you must take are difficult or challenging ones. Risks will seem less perilous because your attention is focused on the success to come instead of the trials of the present. The boldness you feel today will give you the confidence to speak your mind and ask for what you need.