You may feel extroverted today and compelled to engage everyone you encounter in animated dialogue. Group settings can seem more attractive, as they may offer you a venue where you can take center stage. Your outgoing and sociable outspokenness can help you connect with like-minded people who have the potential to become trusted friends or partners in business. Yet your boisterous enthusiasm for attention and publicity can also drive others away -- particularly introverted people who are uncomfortable in gregarious group settings. You may discover that there are individuals who are captivated by your personality but would prefer to interact with you more quietly and privately. As you move through your personal and professional spheres, consider that not everyone you meet will be as extroverted as you are today.

When you're in an extroverted mood, remembering that others may not share your enthusiasm for attention and elocution can help your interpersonal relations progress more smoothly. Since many people prefer to embrace anonymity and enjoy the intimacy of one-on-one relationships, your boisterousness can potentially alienate you from many wonderful people. In modulating your outspokenness when among introverted individuals, you can ensure that you can connect with and relate to those who wish to stay out of the limelight. You'll be empowered to maintain friendships and partnerships with individuals of a wide variety of personality types. Modulating your speech and behavior when speaking to quiet, indrawn individuals today will help you cultivate their confidence and friendship.