Your strong desire to reach your dreams could influence you today. Being attuned to the passions that stir within you might be the result of your yearning to go beyond yourself to become everything you want to be. Developing the link between your passions and your goals today may help propel you forward along your path. Perhaps you can place a list of the things you are most passionate about in a circle. As you take a few minutes to look at the parts of your life that stimulate your innermost desires, circle the one passion that stands out to you and connect that to a new circle. In this new circle, you might consider how you could manifest this passion so that it is a greater part of your life. Doing so may help you see the link between your goals and the ways you can achieve your desires.

Visually representing our aspirations allows us to tap into the parts of ourselves that hold the inner wisdom that tells us how to manifest our dreams. Many of us may have numerous interests that call out to us or find it difficult to articulate what we are driven to do. If we see all these desires together, we will realize that one or two activities engage us the most, and this will energize us to use our passionate motivations to achieve success. By consciously creating a plan to bring your passions into your life today, the intensity of your desires will help you accomplish your goals.