Today you may examine your hopes and dreams and come to realizations about the actual possibilities that could become available to you as you move into your future. Maybe you are giving thought to what your ideal circumstances would be in certain areas of your life, like your home, work, or spiritual practice. If you are, then thinking about where you are now in relation to where you were in the past--and how far you've come--may help you to appreciate the scope of possibilities the future may hold. Realizations you may come to today could trigger feelings of immense hope regarding future prospects; you may even want to take a few moments to bask in the contentment that exists in your life today.

When we look at our lives from an optimistic frame of mind, we can feel hopeful and positive about our future. Looking at our current lives from a positive place enables us to see the good that exists in our present circumstances. Any thinking we do about our future is then built from the foundation of blessings that exists in our lives now. Overflowing with hope and gratitude, we can then see how possible it is that our days can continue to be marked by the manifestations of even more good in our lives. Count your blessings today, as you consider your future, and you will inevitably see the abundance of possibilities that tomorrow may hold.