The emotional impact of the holiday could make you feel both excited and anxious today, perhaps because you might be worrying about your evening festivities. Even though it is fun to be energized about the holidays, if you begin to feel too wound-up, you may find that your enjoyment of the evening is lessened by your agitated state of mind. Perhaps today you might wish to temper your excitement by repeating a calming mantra, such as "Om Namah Shivaya." As you repeat your mantra, you might want to bring your focus to your breath and imagine that your being is expanding with each inhale you take. Using a mantra in this way can help you quiet your mind and regain your awareness of the present, which may in turn allow you to enjoy your time with family and friends to the fullest.

Mantras are powerful tools that can quell our anxieties, and are particularly useful when our minds are overactive. During the times when our minds are on overdrive, we may be caught up not only in the excitement around us, but also in the endless chatter of our minds. Such thoughts pull us away from the present moment and instead tempt us to fret about what will happen in the future. Both the repetitive and vibrational nature of mantras, however, allows us to remain aware of our current state, which will actually increase the amount of enjoyment we experience. By calming your mind, every aspect of your day today will be a celebration.