If you are in an opinionated or forceful mood today, you may find that your vehemence alienates others. You may feel strongly about certain issues and want others to secede to your way of thinking, or you might simply want your views to be heard. If you experience frustration because others don't seem to want to hear what you have to say, you might think about changing your approach. Rather than trying to force people to listen to you, try sharing your thoughts in a tactful way so that others might be more inclined to keep an open mind. Perfecting your communication skills can help you share your ideas in ways that don't cause misunderstandings or tension. Since your attitude can also have a strong impact on your communication skills, choosing to keep a nonaggressive, peaceful countenance might make the biggest difference today.

Making an effort to communicate our ideas to others in gentle, thoughtful ways can inspire them to extend the same respect and consideration to us. Instead of allowing our strong convictions to make others feel bullied or alienated, we can learn to improve our communication skills and share our ideas with others in a considerate way. If we can respectfully listening to others' ideas, we will usually find that they respond in kind. We can then work together to exchange ideas in a productive way. By working with others to create cooperative lines of communication today, you can make your voice heard and honor the input of others at the same time.