You may be feeling psychic today because of lucid dreams or clear messages from your time of meditation. You may not even be aware of where the guidance comes from, but it could have you feeling attuned to your higher self. Although the word "psychic" has come to imply many different uses of our energy, as well as our ability to receive clear guidance and our use of focus, we all have the ability to be psychic. By being in tune with your higher self today, you can receive and follow clear guidance from your intuition and universal wisdom.

Most of us use our connection to higher wisdom throughout our day without even noticing it. One way could be seen in the reasons why we avoid certain places but are drawn toward others. Here, we are using our guidance to discern the quality of energy in each place and our alignment with it. We may even hear later that we evaded being involved in something unpleasant by avoiding that place, which could make us feel that part of us knew something was about to happen. When we clear our minds of the chatter and focus our energy on the source within us, we allow ourselves to get more information than is available on the surface of the material world. Today let yourself be psychic, and follow your intuitive guidance to be more attuned to and aligned with your higher self and the wisdom of the universe.