You may have noticed your ability to adapt well to new circumstances, which could have you feeling clever and flexible. Acknowledging your skills, you may look for innovative ways of consciously making the most of these abilities rather than waiting for life to give you more reasons to use them. You may find that you even become somewhat bored without new challenges, so you might want to seek a situation that involves a variety of circumstances to keep you engaged. This could mean a different job, living situation, hobby, or volunteer position that allows you to utilize your love for puzzle-solving and defying normalcy. Today, by taking stock of what interests you and what you are good at, you can make choices that make life more fully enjoyable.

We may not realize that we have the ability to adapt and thrive unless life\'s challenges give us the opportunity. But we can take that opportunity and build upon it by making the most of what we\'ve learned. By being proactive we are telling the universe that it doesn\'t need to send any more challenges our way just to give us the chance to discover our talents and prove our mettle. Instead, we actively cocreate with the universe by giving it direction with our thoughts and goals. Just like the irritation of an oyster produces a pearl, we can take life\'s challenges to make our lives precious and beautiful. Today, by learning about yourself from life\'s experiences, you learn to create even better experiences for your future.